The world's climate is changing. lt will continue to change at rates unseen at any time during human history. lt is arguably the greatest threat to global stability that we have ever seen.  Not only is climate change a planetary phenomenon that will impact all people, but its effects are being shaped by pervasive and entrenched gender inequality.  These extreme weather patterns such as droughts and floods are increasing the number of sudden humanitarian crises across the world. This hampers women’s capacity and potential to be actors of climate action.  Gender inequalities — access to and control over resources, access to education and information, and equal rights and access to decision-making processes — define what women and men can do and cannot do in a particular context of climate change. As climate change continues, people living closer to the equator will see the most immediate changes which threaten their ability to access clean water and grow subsistence crops. This raises the question of how we look the results of gender inequality world wide as our climate continous to change. 

All Images © Eva Verbeeck